Friday, February 21, 2020

Design a pay structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design a pay structure - Essay Example The three main compensable factors that are identified are responsibility, Skill, and effort with each compensable factor having two sub-factors or degrees (Burke, 2008). For instance, the skill factor is made up of educational and technical know-how. Responsibility is made up of impact of the job and scope of control. Effort is made up of the degree of solving problems and how complex tasks are. Outliers ought to be done away with since the will not offer representativeness for the sample (Armstrong, 2002). This implies that the will be extreme data points that need to be taken consideration of in a separate manner. Therefore, in the present data set, there is no extreme outliers that need to be taken concern of. The base bay weighted means will be computed for every benchmarked job. Weighted means will be computed to represent the market data well (Milkovich & Newman, 2008. The simple mean will be computed by summing up the base pay rates and then subsequently dividing them by the total number of organizations, which are a total of six in the present case. The large and small companies in this case will be given the same weights since we are using a simple mean. The weighted mean is good since it offers equal weight for every incumbents wage, job and hence it qualifies as a representative (Burke, 2008). To establish the weighted average base the following is used to come up with the weighted average pay for front desk receptionist job where there are nine job in office in all the six companies. (1/9 X2100) + (2/9 X 2200) + (1/9 X 1800) + ()2/9 X 18500) + (1/9 X 17500)=$19944.44 To come up with the given pay rates provide a three percent pay tactic across the families of jobs. Excel was used to multiply the pay rates that were predicted for every benchmark job (Burke, 2008). The benchmark jobs were multiplied by 1.03. The computations came up with pay rates that were

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

To what extent do cultural differences alter understandings of Essay

To what extent do cultural differences alter understandings of injustice and approaches to justice - Essay Example Before embarking upon the topic under study, it would be appropriate to define culture. Culture is the amalgamation of religious belief system, cult, social norms, values, mores, customs, traditions and conventions. Language, art, literature, festivals, folkways, food, dressing, writings, music, dance, thought and philosophy also come under the fold of culture. â€Å"Culture is†, Macionis submits, â€Å"the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that together form a peoples’ way of life. Culture includes what we think, how we act, and what we own.† (2007: p 60) Hence, culture is not specific to one single era only; rather, it maintains its roots in ancient past, branches of which seek their way in future centuries to come. Since cultural patterns vary from one region to the other, the values, norms and traditions also observe imperative divergence in them. A tradition, thought to be complying and pleasing in one set up, may be offensive, ridiculous and annoying within the framework of some other. For instance, shaking of hands with the colleagues of the opposite gender is a common thing in the west, and is viewed as a part of interaction, but the same is considered very awkward and indecent in the East, particularly in Muslim states and India. Similarly, intimate relationship among the males are viewed as a sign of sincerity and friendship in Asian countries, while the same act is suspected as homosexual aptitude in some parts of Africa and western Europe. â€Å"Differences between people†, Encina (2007) notes, â€Å"within any given nation or culture are much greater than differences between groups. Education, social standing, religion, personality, belief structure, past experience, affectio n shown in the home, and a myriad of other factors will affect human behavior and culture.† (Quoted Thus, cultural values develop the tastes and decide intellectual thoughtfulness of the individuals belonging to that